Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Is Left Eye Lisa Lopez dead?
I have watched the video, seen the autopsy photos and read the articles.
Too many things do NOT match up. First look at her life she had made some brutal errors and had lost her popularity letting her fans down tremendously, These in the form of bad press , bad break ups, arson, death of a baby in her car, a solo recording that was dropped and I can see she was trying to come with grips with all the bad stuff that was making her an object of bad press and disappointment.

I think from the moment she went to Honduras she had the idea of staging her death. After all she had staged her disappearance once before it was not an uncommon thing for her to do. In fact it is right in line with her character..didn’t she even have a history of running away as a youth?

First what struck me as odd was the whole video thing she was making, every time I watched it she almost seemed to be saying with her eyes and gestures “I’ve got a secret” and she kept directing the video to a mysterious spiritual place saying bad things were going to happen to her and alluding to some unusual things and how “dates” were important (is it surprise that she dies on a band members birthday)? The yoga, enlightenment , pithy bits of inner evaluation, seem all part of this ruse to make us think she was in some cosmic place destined to die as she sought her soul for purpose and meaning while letting the world know Lisa was not an evil person. There is almost a numerological riddle to the whole video saying I am alive and well for anyone who can read between the lines…

The child Lopez that died in the car accident was that for real ? his name is also lopez(?) and she has his shoes (how did she get his shoes?) buy them, steal them who gives out the dead peoples shoes? And once again that allusion to some curse. And the idea that the family accepted $950.00 plus funeral and medical expenses for their son from this obvious millionaire? Unreal…after she handed them the 950.00 did they give her the shoes ??

Yet the filming goes on … Oh Please… if a child died in front of me from my vehicle I would not be filming a video on my life and times. Some things are too tragic for life to resume as normal I don’t believe they would have been in any condition to continue filming.

Something smacks super fishy in this whole incidence. (and of course they are filming the hospital scene, a boy died and they are filming) double hmmm.. His mother is crying but not absolutely having a fit about a camera on her …I would be livid.. And yet this was never reported to the police and no autopsy was done both which are laws in that country in the case of a death … the parents settled I guess for 950.00 ho hum Im not buying it!
Left Eye says to the nurse and camera (after all the show must go on so that camera is rolling) “tell the family we will help them with expenses” … unreal.. I am sure in that instance your ready to buy the family an island in the Caribbean for gosh sakes ,…help them … understatement "much"
O.k. how about this… The boy stepped off a curb but wait your passing children on a curb and you don’t slow down with the knowledge one could fall or dart out in front of you… ANYTIME I pass children on the side of the road I literally creep around them because children are unpredictable…
Maybe I am underestimating the rules of Hondurean traffic “speed at all costs” pass vehicles at high rate of speed and don’t slow down when you see children very close to a road. Reeks of suspicion…shame on any driver that didn’t slow down when children where crossing.

But the MOST unusual is they are wrapping up the video with no satisfying conclusion of course “she” is driving and is that whole driving scene surreal?? her fiddling with the coke case with camera shooting her for the longest shot in the movie I mean she is driving, for gosh sakes, why that long shot of her driving ? that in itself is not normal camera etiquette… would make for a very boring documentary had she not crashed. She actually had to crash for that shot to make any sense, do you see what I am saying it was a lead in shot undoubtedly…(reminds me of the skater getting ready for a big jump- triple toe loop or something, you can always tell its coming)
And the coka cola case has some significance like a sign to someone she loves that she is not dead. Almost like she said mom I cant tell you everything, but when you see a video of me playing with a coca cola case you will know I am actually o.k…. I mean isn’t that too surreal they show the case going back to the backseat? it’s a real Carol Burnett tug of the earlobe to me…
I mean either that or its dope! no importance would be put on a case like it was on that one..
The look on her face (some say its sad) but it is the most “ive got a secret smirk as if she is saying “ watch what is about to go down now” It is so obvious.. Oh and the person in the passenger side has that big camera (and in one shot at the hospital when little boy Lopez dies) you actually see the big camera its freaking huge) anyhow camera person is not dead in fact has no serious injuries… hmmmm….seems equipment like that would cause some bad “stuff” especially to your face.
The picture of the vehicle according to the photo I would say the people in the interior would be absolutely and devastatingly dead and if anyone lived it would be the driver.,…
This is the type of crushing I see in head on collisions not in tree photos and look at the tires they are literally perfect like brand new in fact…. I have been in two accident both times I got flat tires, this also seems staged to me.
I mean the girl was rich enough to stage her death and buying off Hondureans along with her entourage to help her do it might not be a hard thing especially if a mother will accept 950.00 for her sons life what lengths would they go for say a cool mil(?)
And the accident itself another surreal thing and one says she flew out of the car another incidence says she had her seat belt on and yet was the only fatality (it was clear the people in the back were not seat belted in and when I saw the way they were sitting I thought geez they should have been a mass of broken bones, crushed sculls etc.
And What is with that autopsy photo that would never be allowed to be released and why is her hair still bloody they clean you up after that and why the unusual pink pajamas another sign ?
Dressed her in new pink jammies but left her bloody.
We don’t have autopsy photos of JFK, Elvis, Marylin, Jackson but Lisa’s autopsy photos are just “out there” for all to see and looking so staged.
Wonder why her skin looks so alive and her lips appear pale (like makeup) it is obviously taken pre funeral parlor make up and yet her lips would be deepest purple to black with lack of oxygen, why is the right side of her head smacked when it looks like the left side of the vehicle was crushed wouldn’t your head travel in the direction of the momentum landing with any contact against an object on the same side….
I think she walks among us, she showed she had no fear to go under the knife and change her appearance (look at her stage makeup and the cutting in her arms , tattoos etc.) no fear of the pain it takes to transform…. I would bet money she underwent facial surgery had her tattoos removed maybe a breast implant and did some reconstruction on that hate scar then went back into the music field.
.Maybe she is lil Kim


  1. Your right I was noticing weird things to

    1. OMG!! You are so right on. I feel like lisa and 2pac faked their deaths and maybe lisa went to Honduras to have a child and faked his death too. Maybe the mother of the boy was just someone to take care of him and to hid his identity until the 3 of them could be together. Have feeling they were scared of suge knight. The other ladies were just a cover so nobody would connect them to hurt them from people on both sides. Lisa did sleep with suge..maybe knew his plans for 2pac?? Is there a time line how old the boy was and when they were together.

  2. She wasn't speeding and as you know some one edited the tape did u know after the screams the tape went black b4 the crash

  3. What is something that I believe only i have found out is the way lisa talks about 2pac in the clips you can find on youtube, she clearly talks about his after life choices and life after death and i believe that this where lisa got her idea from to fake her death and it is funny how 2pac and lisa had a thing for each other and 2pac even wrote the song called can you get away about lisa . they say 2pac is alive and in cuba well maybe lisa is there with him !! you be the judge and look at the youtube clips of her talking about 2pac . tell me what you think thanks Gaz

  4. I just saw the edited version of the video for the first time and I kept saying to myself the whole time that something was off. And I kept rewinding and replaying the last shot. She absolutely did not have on a seat belt. I was able to slow the frames down and freeze frame them. And I agree the girls in the first back row would've been severly injured, especially the one sitting in the middle b/c she absolutely did not have on a seat belt. She wouldve' gone straight out of the windshield. And the guy whose head was at the top of the car, is he paralyzed now? No way he walked away w/minor injuries. Next when you see the shot as she is "losing control" (not sure who's screaming and ironically she loses control when the camera pans back to the coca cola can)but notice how there is nothing to make that car flip over. She goes into the grass, probably hits the fence and posting and trees. It's completely flat land, not sure what would make that car roll like that w/o something making the car elevate. Ok, let's say she oversteered going towards the trees and tried to correct her steer and that made the car tilt. the slide from the car would've either taken them more into the woods or onto the road, not the side of the road b/c there wasn't a lot of space btwn the road and the grass. not to mention the grass surrounding the vehicle appears untouched. no muddy skid marks or nothing.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I saw the TLC movie last month and was left thinking that Lisa wanted to stay in Honduras. Afterwards, I got online and found this article. I then looked at "The Last Days of Left Eye" documentary. Everything seems very fishy to me...too many coincidences. I do believe that she staged her death. I hope that she is finally happier than now.

  7. First Off All Your Judgements Are Plain Right Ridiculous Left Eye Has Perished Why Would She Stage A Death To Cause An Uproar Of Sadness And Grieving!?
    She Lost Too Much To Do That And In The Documentary You Hear Why She Went To Honduras;She Always Went In Seek Of Mental Physical And Spirtial Reliving In Hard Times,And Her Super Stardom Ups And Down Are Tiring And She Wants Peace.
    The Documentary Captured The Part With The Boy Because It Was About her Life And Trials Of It And She Found A Significance Of Reason To The Boy
    She Felt The Presences Of A Mean Spirit That Wants To End Her And She Found It Odd That A Lopez Died On Her Hands/Drivers Hands
    A Few Hours Before Her Crash,She Was Showering Happily And Rapping While Being Filmed
    In The Car She Smirked Because That's What She Does To Every Camera She Comes In Contact With Just Watch All TLC/Left Eye Videos And You Will See That's Her Way Of Acknowledgement And The Tin Can Is Irrelevant She Was Simply Eating The Candy And Passed It to The Back And The Camera Showed The Passengers And The Camera Turned Back And If You Pause Or Look Closely You Could See The Car Coming In Their way Obviously In The Wrong Direction And She Tried To Swerve Out Of The Way And The Car Lost Control And Hit A Tree And Flipped Because Of Excess Weight And Left Eye Was The Only One That Was Thrown Out Of The Car The Others Were Just Flipped But Left Eye Had head trauma And Her Hair Was Not Bloody It Was Her Face It Was Severe Brushing Of Tissues And Muscles And Damage To The Brain And She Was In Her Casket I Believe.
    Why Would She Stage Her Death When She Had Potential And So Much To Live For Like Her 2 Adopted Children And Marriage And Her Careers And Fans??
    Case Closed

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. thats true it does seem odd now that you mention it. but i would think she probably wouldve revealed herself on tlc first appearance now that theyre back together instead of lil mama...but then again she still could be still alive and just dont wanna be out in public eye anymore...either way i hope shes at peace now and happy wherever she may be! <3

  9. I think she is where she wants to be. It brokes my heart to think she would do it but she has hide before. I think it wierd. I dont think she was happy in her life after her album didnt do good at all, she is or was before her time

  10. lil kim was out around the same time lefteye was out but with junior mafia. so how could she be lil kim -__-

  11. Left Eye loved being in public...on stages, in front of cameras....LIVED for it, in fact. I'm sorry, but she would NOT be able to stand living in anonymity. Especially after alllllllllll this time. She's dead. Period.

  12. i think she was hiv positive and faked her death to die with some dignity

    1. It's a known fact that people who die prematurely in car accidents like James Dean and Jayne Mansfield are Memorialized forever and become ICONS

  13. I thought it was only me who thought that something didn't seem right. I watched the clip over and over and also found the way that she was looking into the camera a bit eerie.

  14. I thought it was only me who thought that something didn't seem right. I watched the clip over and over and also found the way that she was looking into the camera a bit eerie.

  15. Lisa painted tupac a portrait in 1992. On the back it said "we will be together in 10 years." she died in 2002. I believe she is with tupac.

    1. Dammit thats a good catch! Wow I like that one.mi also think she is with Tupac.ni heard her speak very fondly of him and something about her vibe towards him led me to helieve they could be together.Honduras and Cuba are not that far from one another and allegedly, Tupac fled to Cuba. Good investgative work though

  16. ive' wahed it many times and froze. it does seem weird eerie when she looks at camera and it slows a bit. when passing can boom. im' thinking shes still in hondouras. her peace was there

  17. This all makes sense! I know she isn't dead just like mj & pac. They all were too smart & look how America is now. If i could i would flea this country myself. On a positive note they're all alive & hopefully well. I just honestly wish they would reveal themselves!

  18. This all makes sense! I know she isn't dead just like mj & pac. They all were too smart & look how America is now. If i could i would flea this country myself. On a positive note they're all alive & hopefully well. I just honestly wish they would reveal themselves!

    1. U are very wise my friend. Michael J, Whitney and don't forget Prince! He never used drugs. They made HIM out to be a drug addict. BULL SHIT.

  19. Childish comments, case closed. Love you Lisa. TLC

  20. I must admit that the post mortem pics left me wondering. Her skin is oxygenated, the blood & bruises still look pretty fresh, the artery on the right side of her neck is protruding which doesn't happen after death. All arteries & veins go flat. Her lips shouldn't be normal colour & neither should her skin

  21. You are deep! I like the way you think. I thought I was the only one who thought the whole thing was staged. Of course she isnt the first to have her death staged but looking at it critically, which you have, it is obvious that there are problems with the whole car crash. I never bothered to watch the whole movie to analyze the issues there. I saw the car crash scene first and just shook my head in disbelief. To add to your point, how did the camera record that footage in the car and then go scrambled? Wouldnt the camera have broken? Maybe? But you are right,the whole thing was stupid. I made youtbe videos about other fake instances in the media. Check them out if you like. A popular one is titled fake crying.
